Software development

This is simply a guide for those who are looking to start learning Front End Development. High quality coding education created by an Open-Source community. Before I found The Odin Project I had very little direction with my learning, jumping from topic to topic then trying to piece things together as I went. Everything you need to version your code and collaborate with others using Git and GitHub in one course. Everything you need to build real websites with React from zero to hero.

With the help of JavaScript, your website can respond to user activities on the page. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets using which you can add styles to your web pages like colors, fonts, layouts, and animations. It uses tag, class, and id selectors to target HTML elements that we want to style. We can then use these selectors to write style rules containing a property name like “font-size”, “background-color”, “margin-left”, etc. and values for these properties.

  • Whatever you see when you visit a website – the different types of buttons and other UI components, media, texts, forms, animations, etc. are all developed as a part of the front-end.
  • Jekyll is known as “a simple, blog aware, static site generator”.
  • You should learn the basic commands of any of the Package Managers.
  • Please note that this roadmap is merely here to help you identify what you should learn next and understand the need for certain tools and frameworks.
  • We scour the internet looking for only the best resources to supplement your learning and present them in a logical order.

In order to better understand what is presented in this article, it is good to find answers to the following questions and to know, at a basic level, the following terms. These skills are not necessary, but they will definitely help you in your journey. You scoured the internet and couldn’t find a clear answer to what is front-end development and how can you become a front-end developer? The purpose of this article is to put your thoughts in order, to establish the point from which you start, and to get a vision of what the frontend-developer branch means. Decipher Zone is a Java development company working in Java, Crypto, Blockchain, web app development and other new-fangled technologies.

Learn Everything You Need To Know To Become A Web Developer

That’s where front-end tools (libraries/frameworks) come to the rescue, helping us build and ship applications faster. Out of these, React is the most popular so that’s what I recommend you learn first. React – According to the documentation, it is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and that lets you create reusable components. Bulma – is a free, open-source framework that provides ready-to-use frontend components that you can easily combine to build responsive web interfaces. It doesn’t mean that what you have learned so far will be of no use.

Everything you need to convert Photoshop designs to fast, mobile-friendly websites. Learn and understand the fundamentals of web development with HTML and CSS. Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed.

front-end developer roadmap

You also need to learn about how to manipulate the DOM and many more. A static site generator is a tool that generates a full static HTML website based on raw data and a set of templates. Essentially, a static site generator automates the task of coding individual HTML pages and gets those pages ready to serve to users ahead of time. Vue.js – is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. Simply put, an application or web app should be designed in such a way that the web pages alter their appearance and layout to match the resolution and width of the device screen.

With the variety of frameworks to choose from it can be difficult to opt for what’s ideal for your requirements. So here’s a list of CSS and JavaScript frameworks that you should consider adding to your skillset. Responsive Web Design means creating websites that can be used on all types and sizes of devices. This can be done using CSS Media Queries, where the style and layout of the web page change as per the device and screen size. Responsive Design automatically resizes, hides, shrinks or enlarges the components on a website. Now that we have built the layout of our website using HTML and styled it using CSS, the next step is to add “actions” to our websites.

Similar to CMS, it allows developers to use templates to generate web pages automatically, however, it automatically generates web pages ahead of time rather than waiting for the user request. SSG offers more flexibility, fewer server-side dependencies, better reliability, version control & testing and enhanced security. Do you know what tools, technologies and programming languages will be best for it? Today, we will help you out with all the questions you might have for building a career as a front-end developer.

Angular – a component-based framework for building scalable web applications, a suite of developer tools to help you develop, build, test, and update your code. Bootstrap – is a giant collection of handy, reusable bits of code written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s also a frontend development framework that enables developers and designers to quickly build fully responsive websites. SCSS – Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets is a preprocessor stylesheet language compiled to CSS.


By learning the way to design a responsive web app, you can make it user-friendly and improve the ranking in search engines simultaneously. Web Frameworks is a package of files and folders including standardized code, used as a template to start the development of a website or web app. It makes the integration and development of front-end programming easier.

front-end developer roadmap

The role of the appearance and looks is played by CSS – height, eye color, hair color, skin color, skin texture, face structure, the shape of the hands, etc. The bodily functions are done using JavaScript – how the digestive system works, how the nervous system works, etc. If you open this HTML document in the browser, you will see all the contents rendered as below. As you can see, it is a very simple skeleton structure with no style whatsoever.

An incredible self-paced curriculum that consists of the best resources for learning programming on the web! It was an invaluable resource on my path to a becoming a software developer…. These are the languages behind every web page on the Internet. My HTML/CSS series teaches you everything you need to know from absolute basics to advanced concepts. Here are the courses I’ve created to help you pursue a career as a professional front-end developer.

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We scour the internet looking for only the best resources to supplement your learning and present them in a logical order. Our full stack curriculum is free and supported by a passionate open source community. For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking. Compare Learn-Web-Development-Checklist vs frontend-developer-roadmap and see what are their differences.

CSS is more powerful when it comes to styling and it is the standard and recommended way to style your website. It is used to form the “skeleton”, or the base, of any website. The elements that you see on the screen – buttons, images, sliders, date pickers, texts, lists, etc. are all added using HTML. Before I started the Odin Project I had literally ZERO programming experience.

Your basic knowledge will always be an advantage for your career. But, before making your decision on becoming a front-end developer, you can also check the Java developer roadmap. To become a front-end web developer the first step is to understand the basics of the web, what a server is, how different applications will communicate with each other. After knowing networks, clients, servers and databases, you can move on to the actual basis of web development, i.e., coding.

Depending on your knowledge and experience level, you can take all the courses in order or just pick the ones that you need. Universal – is the Angular execute on the server, generating static application pages that later get bootstrapped on the client. This means that the application generally renders more quickly, giving users a chance to view the application layout before it becomes fully interactive. Electron – is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application. CSS is a beautiful and simple language that helps us make web pages look good.

front-end developer roadmap

To become a front-end developer, you need to know the basics – HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These are the minimum requirements to become a front-end developer, so you need to be strong in these skills. You can choose to skip learning some of the above-mentioned skills but try to build projects using the skills you have learned. Is pre-written code to support features and benefits beyond plain or vanilla JavaScript. As these frameworks are built on top of JavaScript, it is possible to achieve all the features of a framework with normal JavaScript as well.

Responsive Design

I am writing this because I get a lot of questions from people who want to become web developers or are currently learning web development. So here’s the roadmap I was referring to at the beginning of this blog. It includes personal recommendations, alternative options, and other good-to-know technologies and tools that you can learn anytime. An alternative for REST APIs is GraphQL, which is an open-source data query and manipulation language. Using GraphQL enables developers to send requests that can fetch data from multiple sources in a single API call. As a front-end developer, you will often build websites that interact with APIs and RESTful or SOAP services.

front-end developer roadmap

The data in these web pages are static, i.e. they do not change. Thus, they can be pre-built and are ready to be served to users when requested, resulting in faster loading. Developers can use templates to generate web pages automatically.

It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. It helps in organizing large stylesheets while making it easier to share design across projects. Developing a good front-end is hard and scaling it for different teams to work together on a complex product is harder.

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They consist of several CSS stylesheets that are ready to use, allowing developers to save time that is otherwise spent in styling a website. These stylesheets are user-friendly and visually appealing and have built-in classes for common web elements like navbars, headers, footers, menus, etc. Static site generator processes pages through a set of templates and raw data. SSG handles the build process before the pages are requested by users, i.e., the pages are ready to be served when requested. Static site generator is a compromise between CMS and hand-coded static site.

Register to virtually attend our inaugural conference focused on our products, with relevant content for all developers everywhere. Front end web developer online courseto shorten your learning curve. You may consider HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as an analogy to the body of humans.

Css Positioned Layout

That’s why the idea of Micro-frontend architecture came into view. It is a design approach where front-end apps are divided into micro, independent and individual apps that work loosely together. The concept of micro-frontend is practically inspired by microservices. The source code for each micro-frontend is smaller than the monolithic front-end. This smaller codebase made it easier and simpler for developers to work simultaneously. Just like microservices, it also allows independent deployment which as a result reduces the chances of errors and risks to breakdown the entire system.

While it is not important to know all the communication protocols in detail, the basic knowledge of these protocols will help you develop secure websites which are critical nowadays. HTTPS and SSL are two of the secure communication protocols that are good to know. Redux is the most popular state management library often used in React apps. This course helps you learn and understand what Redux really is, how it works, and how to effectively use it to manage the state of your apps. Jekyll – is a parsing engine bundled as a ruby gem used to build static websites from dynamic components such as templates, partials, liquid code, markdown, etc. Jekyll is known as “a simple, blog aware, static site generator”.

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When a certain event occurs, the “state” of your application, i.e. the data stored in variables, gets updated. The variables that determine the state of your interactive web application need to be stored somewhere. It deals with storing How to hire a Front End Developer and updating the state of the application. For stepping into Front-End Development, the most essential skills you should have are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These skills are the bare minimum to start with Front-End Development.

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